Marriage and the Gathering

We had another eventful week. Marriage and family seem to be a big part of what we do as missionaries here. There is a tradition here of couples being together and not getting married. They refer to each other as spouses but it is usually not legal. It is one of the biggest barriers for adults joining the church. This week we had 3 very different experiences with helping to get people married. Our first experience was with a couple that has been together for at least 7 or 8 years. They have 2 kids together and the woman has a son who served a mission. They both claim to have testimonies. The missionaries have been trying to help them get married since we moved to Azua (Jan). We offered to pay the fee because we know that they have financial troubles (very common). When we met with them to tell them we would pay the fee, they (mostly him) informed of a different plan. He is planning on marrying his "cousin" who lives in the US. When (if) he gets residency he will divor...