
Showing posts from November, 2017

I Might Get Fired

I'm not sure where to start but the result is that I may have accelerated how fast we are asked to leave the office. Tuesday morning I received a call from Elder Buhler (housing secretary) telling me that the Landlord is threatening to lock the Elders in Neyba into their home because he has not been paid (my job). But wait it's not that simple! The missionaries have lived in this home for several years. The landlord died about 6 months ago and we did not know it so we continued to try to pay her. We were notified a few months ago and tried to find who the new owner is. There was some dispute between the husband and the son of the deceased landlord. We finally learned that the husband was the rightful owner and he was already mad that he was not getting paid. We pay through wire transfers so we got his bank info and tried to pay. ( sorry I just realized this is way to much detail). To make a long story short Elder Buhler and I drove to Neyba (

Didn't get out much

No trips to the airport this week. In fact we haven't bee to La Caleta in 3 weeks now. We both miss it but we know where it is and will find a chance to return soon. I wish I could say that the work in the office has become easy and routine and that we have everything mastered. Well it continues to be challenging but our mistakes seem to be fewer. I feel a little jealous of Hermana Borup because she has had a personal assistant all week. The Elder who hurt his knee has been transferred temporarily to the office to give his knee a chance to heal. It just so happens that he is very good with computer skills and has helped Hermana Borup actually get ahead in her work. To be honest she has been a little gloating and likes to rub it in. However I am used to this behavior from her from the many triathlons I have raced with her and only have won one of those. She likes to let me know my place.  Speaking of the Elder with the hurt knee, He is getting better every day and is optimist

Elder Cook visits the Island

Every six weeks our lives are turned upside down. It's time for transfers. It feels like and is a whirlwind of activity. This transfers as far as transfers are concerned was rather tame however. There were 7 that came and 6 that left, well mostly. There is always more to the story. We had two missionaries that had to go home due to health issues and of course they din't go home at the same time as the other missionaries. We also had 2 who had to go home for other reasons, of course they didn't go with the others either. And there was one missionary who was told he should go home due to his knee injury but he really wants to stay here so he's going to work in the office for awhile to see if things will resolve. (more on him later). This all means that we had several trips to and from the airport, missionaries staying in our home along with our normal transfer duties.  There is one picture I have but did not include in the blog. On Monday we were asked to pick up a