Didn't get out much

No trips to the airport this week. In fact we haven't bee to La Caleta in 3 weeks now. We both miss it but we know where it is and will find a chance to return soon. I wish I could say that the work in the office has become easy and routine and that we have everything mastered. Well it continues to be challenging but our mistakes seem to be fewer. I feel a little jealous of Hermana Borup because she has had a personal assistant all week. The Elder who hurt his knee has been transferred temporarily to the office to give his knee a chance to heal. It just so happens that he is very good with computer skills and has helped Hermana Borup actually get ahead in her work. To be honest she has been a little gloating and likes to rub it in. However I am used to this behavior from her from the many triathlons I have raced with her and only have won one of those. She likes to let me know my place. 

Speaking of the Elder with the hurt knee, He is getting better every day and is optimistic that he will be able to finish his mission. Our biggest concern was that there was some sort of damage that would require immediate surgery. It just so happens that I have a very smart family. My cousin who is an orthopedic surgeon read the blog and reached out this week to see if he could help. He was able to look at the MRI via facetime and then read the MRI report because he served his mission in Chile. The conclusion is that there is no immediate need for surgery. You should have seen the Elder's face when I gave him the news. He pays to have a smart family.

I did take a chance to go with Elder Buhler to Azua (maybe our future home). We went to help some Hermana missionaries move to a new house. They have been living in a place that floods when it rains and has mice always. Other than that it's a pretty nice place. There new house is on the second floor so they don't need to worry about the flooding but mice may just be a matter of time.  We bought them a new stove and while Elder Buhler was buying the stove I was able to talk to a less active member who introduced himself to me. There are 4 Branches in Azua which is a pretty good ratio of members in the city.

We continue to study Spanish. There are times that it feels like we are making progress. Hermana Borup doesn't seems as frustrated when she is finished in Primary. I taught priesthood again this week. There are three of us in the Young men Presidency. We meet a couple weeks ago to plan who will be the teachers on which week. I was assigned 2 weeks each month and the other 2 got one week each. One of the disadvantages of not being fluent is not being able to stand up for yourself. My goal when I teach is to be able to make one message clear and understandable. We talked about faith and desires today and I think by the way my questions were answered that the young men understood. So progress I think. The last two Sundays I have been called upon to answer I question. I think I understood and I think my answer was understood, both good signs.

We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving this week. We really miss family and friends. We are going to have a Thanksgiving meal with President and Hermana Santos and the Assistants this week. I am going to make my famous Bacon Pie. Hermana Borup is making pecan pie which is also famous but has a very high level of poison (sugar) so I will not be partaking. 

So until next week.
Your friends 
Hermana y Elder Borup

Just out for a Sunday drive. we heard there was a surf beach near Nizau. This Sunday we decided to find out. There is a surf beach near Nizau., just saying.
This is the Don Gregorio branch after their Sacrament meeting. I love the energy when they come out of the chapel and our branch is waiting to go in. This week the energy was extra high because they had their Primary Program.
I managed to catch this family from the other branch taking a family picture in front of the Christmas tree in the lobby at Church.
I see this truck every once in awhile around town in Nizau. Vladimir Guerrero is from Nizau and was number 27. I think this must be his truck
The truck is too big to get the whole thing in one picture.
The shack and the break. A little small now but it's Sunday anyway. 
A little wildlife on our way home from our drive.
This bird was amazing in flight. 
They say we might move  to Azua. This place has some potential. It is right across the street from a beach.
The neighbor hood needs work also
This place is just up the street. It rents for 16,000 pesos ($340) per month. Anyone want to come to Azua?
Nope we didn't get transferred to Paris. This is a miniature Eiffel Tower just off a plaza we drive through everyday. 
If you look close you can see the Christmas Decorations made from plastic bottles. 


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