Yes, We are in Azua

I learned another lesson in life. First are GREATLY affected by personal motivation. AS you have read over and over again, I have been very excited about getting out of the office and into the cities with people and members and missionaries. Hermana Borup liked her job in the office and was very uncertain about moving away from a very comfortable life, with lots of knowns. I spent much of my time last week helping to get things ready for the move on Monday. We thought things were nearly done. My first impression was, "this looks great, yea it's a little dirty (from construction) but we have everything we need and more". Hermana Borup didn't overlook the dirtiness as easily as I did. We have a history of that. She had a hard time seeing the Air conditioning, the nice stove and big nice refrigerator. She saw a whole lot of dirt and grime left over by some very hard working men who don't clean as well as they install things. Let's just say our first night in Azua...