As the title says, we aren't in our new home yet. That's the bad news. The good news is that we are going to have 4 working air conditioners and we have been staying with the Buhlers who are feeding us well. I have made several trips to Azua and back to start putting things away and help get things installed. The man preparing the house is a man that works for us repairing missionary houses. He was a Stake president here. He is one of the kindest people I have been around. We did some errands around town as we are getting things for the house. People that don't even know him just light up when he interacts with them. He also speaks the best Spanish in the country. He is used to talking to missionaries who are just learning so he knows how to speak slow and clear. When I don't understand him he just says it in another way until I understand.
The moving part of the week has kept me busy most of the week. We moved a lot of things from another house that Senior Missionaries used to live and the area is closing. They had beds and some furniture and stove washer and driver. We got air conditioners from a house the mission closed for seniors, a couple of months ago. Next week I will send pictures of our new house. ON our first day moving Elder Buhler was approached by one of our neighbors. She was about 65 years old and wanted to help us move our things from our truck into the house. We told her we really didn't need the help but she helped anyway. After we had moved everything out she was introducing the other neighbors to Elder Buhler and her pants feel down to about her knees. She didn't miss a beat. She just kept talking and introducing. Her neighbor was more embarrassed than she was. It's going to be a great neighborhood.
In the time I wasn't going back and forth to Azua (about a 1.5-hour drive) I have been trying to train Elder Buhler to do the work of financial secretary in the office. Elder Buhler is a successful businessman with a degree in finance. IN the few hours I have shown him what to do he has already improved the quality of work. When we are actually gone I think everyone will wonder why we didn't get rid of that guy (me) sooner.
Yesterday, I was working at the new house in Azua and I was feeling a little confined so I decided to drive over by the chapel which is just around the corner. As I pulled up I noticed a car and some motorcycles. I went in to see what was going on and found out they were having a baptism. It was just what I needed after a week-long of focussing on moving and not feeling as directly involved in the work. The man was about 35 and works in a club. He's had a tough life and is excited for his new way. I talked to him a little after and told him how thrilled I was for this event. I told him that it is the most important day of his life. The day he has committed, through baptism, to follow Christ always. Being there reminded me of need we all have to share the gospel every chance we have. There is a real power that comes into our lives when we make and follow covenants. Everyone needs this blessing in their lives. We are excited for this time in our lives to concentrate on helping others to receive them.
La Caleta on P-day, Yes those are my feet |
La Caleta, This half (mostly) naked guy loves Hermana Borup's flipflops. |
One of the beaches near Azua, proof to Hermana Borup that there are beaches near Azua |
More proof |
Fish, lobster and crab for sale on the street in Azua |
It's hard to see how big this lobster is but it is the biggest lobster I have ever seen. EVER |
Still moving to Azua this is me driving with a mirror in the back. it gave me a shock when I looked in my rearview mirror and saw out the front of the car. |
Somebody thought it was a good idea build a castle in San Juan. |
Baptism in Azua, in our new branch |
More proof |
I took the scenic way back to Santo Domingo from Azua, |
Hermana Borup is going to miss Pablo most when we move to Azua |
More from my drive |
This sneaky photo is of a member that was baptized 37 years ago, a year or two after the church got here. He was first Branch president, district president and Stake President in his area. |
More from La Caleta
Great to read your stories and see the work of the Lord progressing. I know you and your wife are awesome witnesses for the Lord and will bring many to the light of the gospel through your example. Best of luck and carry on with the Lords work.