We are starting to accept the fact that every week is going to be busy and full. This week, besides our work in the Office, we attended a Family Home Evening, took a sister to the hospital, accompanied an Elder to the Physical Therapist, Medical exam for Lynette's visa and Zone conferences.
We went to a Family Home Evening with the same family that we were able to teach last week. The amazing thing is that they have been members for just 3 weeks and they gave the lesson on Lehi's dream. It was thoughtful and insightful. It was obvious that they had spent some time preparing the lesson. We also played a game of white magic. Lynette finally learned the trick. Today (Sunday) I took a little nap when I woke up I told Lynette we should go see the Perez family. She said she had the same feeling. They live very close so we walked over. When we got there we found out that they all had "Pink Eye" (conjunctivitis). They didn't have resources to buy the medicine they needed. They both work but wages are low and the cost of living is a little more expensive then at home. They weren't asking for help but we both felt impressed to offer it. We went to a nearby Farmacia and got the needed medicine. We felt we were sent on an errand.
This weekend we have had Hermana Pajarez stay with us. She was scheduled to go home a week and a half ago but they would not let her on the plane because she has conjunctivitis. When she went to the doctor she found out that she has an ulcer on her cornea and may need a cornea transplant. She lives in Peru about 6 hours form the nearest descent hospital in Lima. If she went home the probability of loosing her eye sight in that eye was pretty high. It just so happens the one of the leading eye specialists (perhaps the leading) in the World lives here. She is getting great care. We went to one of her doctor visits with her also.
One of the assistants to the President is form Mexico and has had terrible back pain. I have been with him on a few of his Doctor and Physical Therapy visits. One of the PT visits was scary. I felt like some of things they were doing will make him worse. We were able to find another hospital where the care is a very high standard.
The highlight of the week has been Zone Conferences. We were asked by Presidnet Nuckols to start an exercise program. This year the Mission Department changed the long standing missionary schedule. One of the stated reasons was to give the Missionaries more time to exercise. We introduced a contest between zones. The zone that wins will be given a flag to sign and it will sent to President and Hermana Nuckols. We introduced the "7 Minute Workout" (look it up) I then had one of the Elders come up and do it with me. It is 12 high intensity exercises for 30 seconds and 10 second rests in-between. It is really hard if you do it with intensity. It's fun to watch these Elders struggle to do it. I hope they are motivated to keep at it.
The best part of Zone Conference has been watching President Nuckols teach the missionaries. They love him and he loves them. They seem to hang on every word. I have said it before and I will say it again. I am amazed at how hard a Mission President has to work. It is a miracle they can do it. The love the missionaries have for him is earned!
What a great adventure we are on. We feel closer to each other as we try to do our part in building the Lord's Kingdom.
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