Life just seems right again. Hermana Borup and I get to get onto our bikes once in awhile. This week we did a little exploring on our p-day. We did our normal loop followed by a ride along the coast of Santo Domingo and into the Colonial Zone. It is the oldest city in the Americas. Traffic is crazy but we made it home alive.
Our week started off with a trip to Santiago. IT is about 2 hours away. A sister who is going home in 2 weeks needed to go to her school to registered for classes in person. If she did not do it this week she could not start classes until January. President asked us to take her and her companion. Hermana Rodriguez lives in Santiago and we came within a few minutes of her house. The drive took 2 hours the registration took 2 minutes. Santiago is a beautiful city that is much more calm than Santo Domingo. The high-lite of the trip was sharing the Book of Mormon with a couple of men I met. I still love the response when you ask anyone if they believe in Christ. "Cree en Jesucristo?" response: Claro! The response comes with a sentiment of "why do you ask such an obvious question?" I confess the reason I ask is because I love to hear the answer. It gives them a chance to confess Christ and it gives me a chance to hear it.
ON the crazy side of things. One of the Elders drank gasoline by mistake. I'm happy to report he is just fine but he had funny tasting burps for a few days. The gas was stored in a juice container and was going to be used for a bar-b-q. The Elder saw the "juice and asked where it came from. The response was "from some members" He then asked if he could have some. The other Elders thinking that he could smell it wasn't juice said "sure go ahead". He poured some in a cup and took a big gulp. I talked to him later and he said for some reason he just couldn't smell it. Life never gets dull here.
Transfers are in a week and a half but we were able to take an Elder to the airport this week so he can get home to Mexico in time for his school to start. It is pretty special to see a missionary off at the end of two hard years of serving the Lord. ON the way back to the city we picked up a man that needed a ride from the airport where he works. "Cree en Jesucrist?". "Claro!" again. I think we are getting better at sharing the good news with others. at least on a surface level. It still is fun.
At the end of the week We took a nice long bike ride followed by a trip to the Casa de España. The Casa de España is a private club that is 100 years old that was started by some Spanish families to keep some of their traditions and recreations going. There is a running track that goes around the property that is almost 2 km long. There are tennis courts (clay, cement) pickle ball courts, a soccer field, 3 swimming pools, basketball courts bar'bq grills, a tapa bar and some game rooms and reception halls. Sister Perez that joined the church with her husband about 2 months ago can go because her father is a member. Her great grandfather was a founding member. We enjoyed our time mostly swimming some laps in the cleanest pool I have ever been in.
The Perez continue to teach us Spanish and we have been able to keep the conversation more in Spanish. We are either getting better at Spanish or they are better at not letting us change the conversation to English. Today was testimony meeting in Church and I was able to understand almost everyone. The miracle of the week was in testimony when Dariel got up to share his testimony. He was baptized 2 weeks ago. Today he gave the priesthood lesson on Baptism also. His testimony was without a pause. He stood and declared his faith in the restored gospel and modern revelation. NO one forced up, his family are not members. I had a glimpse of him as a missionary. The young mens president is a returned missionary of 4 months. He was Baptized when he was 13 like Dariel. The work goes on. What an amazing privileged it is to be a small part of it. We miss everyone (well almost everyone). But this is really an honor to be serving here.
Your friends
Hermana y Elder Borup
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