Noche Blanca

Sorry for not having text. I guess I'm as good at blogging as I am at being a financial secretary. I wrote a very long and spiritual blog about how our week was more righteous than yours but somehow it got lost in cyberspace just like the rent payments I made this week. I am not dedicated enough to do it all over again. My advice is for you to enjoy the pictures and try to imagine we had the best week ever.
Elder Borup

Selfie with my new friend Jose Luis
Assistants helping President Santos with his ne
English class at the Nizao Branch
Celebrating a great accomplishment on the Computer. Getting Packets ready for the missionaries that are leaving.
Cucaracha en la casa!
Baptisms in the Azua District. Noche Blanca! 12 in one night.
Cycling past the monument the commemorates the dedication of the preaching of the gospel in the Dominican Republic.

moving day


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