Hurricane Maria

We survived another threat of a hurricane. Not because we are good at surviving them but because they are missing us. Maria went right through Puerto Rico and turned to the North before it got to Dominican Republic. We feel very fortunate to have missed out. We feel very bad for those who have been so devastated by Irma and Maria. Maria went directly over the home town of President Santos. He had not heard from his family until this morning. They were told by their son that everyone was OK but the whole country looks like a bomb went off. He had to drive 3 hours to get to where he had cell coverage. Although the hurricane went farther to the North than Irma we got more wind and a lot more rain this time. It didn't stop us from going into the mission office to do our work. 

Speaking of work Hermana Borup reports that it was an epic week for her. She learned how to paste pictures into a document in a way that saves her a lot of time. Speaking of time. I had to pay the power bills for all the missionary houses. TO make a long story short, I was in the EDESUR (power comany) office for over 5 hours. They ended up over charging me and giving me credit for next month. I'm becoming good friends with ladies at EDESUR. When they see me come in they all try to look busy so the supervisor doesn't make them serve me. I'm waiting for the right moment to share a Book of Mormon with them.

Speaking of Books of Mormon. We picked up a hitch hiker today and had about 20 minutes to practice our Book of Mormon pitch. Before we could invite him to do anything he volunteered to visit a church meeting.  Normally I do not place a Book of Mormon here. I give them a Pamphlet about the Book of Mormon with a phone number. Everyone here would take one if it was offered. Something of value for free is a good deal. This time after he suggested he go to church I felt like he would read the Book of Mormon so I offered it to him. Today was his lucky day, he got a ride, a Book of Mormon and started his journey into God's Kingdom.

I practiced Physical Therapy with Hermana Missionary that has had trouble with her knee for several months. She has Chondromalacia. She has been scheduled to return home next week because she is in so much pain. I wish I could have seen her earlier because I think I could have helped. However two things are not in my favor. 1 is that it takes some time to treat it and the 2nd is that once a missionary is told they will be going home it is very hard to get that horse back in the barn. Even a very good and motivated missionary. I hope to try a few more tricks but it is a long shot at this point. Her ticket has been purchased. 

We went to the airport again. It was our 15th trip in just 3 and a half months. One of the Elders scheduled to go home this week was leaving early so he could see his brother before he goes on his mission on Tuesday. They get to spend 2 days together before he leaves. 

Sunday is always an adventure for us. I was asked a few weeks ago to give a talk today. Much of my study time was spent preparing the talk. I decided last night to look at the priesthood lesson just in case. I downloaded an applicable video and had at least an outline of a lesson planned. AS it turned out the Young men's President said he saw me walk in and decided he could go pickup his girlfriend. I really like the young men's president and I'm happy to be contributing to his chances of getting married. The lesson went better than last week when I didn't follow the prompting. I still have room for improvement. I think the talk went well. I have included the English and Spanish version in the blog. 

As you can see it has been another rewarding week. I feel grateful to be here and serve however we can.

Your Friends
Hermana Y Elder Borup

After we received our mission call and before we came to the Dominican Republic we tried very hard to study Spanish. WE had tudors from the church that helped us. We studied books and we watched instructional videos. When we arrived here we realized that Dominicans speak Spanish their own way. That makes it harder for us but it is one of the charming parts of the culture here.

Something I hear over and over again is “Todo Bien”. It can be a question or it can be an answer or just a statement. When I first heard the expression Todo bien I thought. Wow “todo bien”, “Todo” is a lot. “Todo Bien” is a lot of Bien. You can’t get any more bien than todo. Can someone really be “todo bien”?

There is a way to really be todo bien.  IN fact there is only one way to be todo bien.

Lehi the father of Nephi had a vision of the tree of life. In his vision he saw a tree He said:

10 And it came to pass that I beheld a tree, whose fruit was desirable to make one chappy.
11 And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the fruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen.
12 And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great ajoy; wherefore, I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other fruit.

Nephi taught that the tree in Lehi’s dream represents the love of God. Elder Bednar taught that the fruit from the tree is a symbol for the blessings of the Atonement. In other words the fruit or result of the Love of God is the Atonement.

There are many ways to partake of the fruit which is the love of God or the atonement.

Throughout the life of the Savior he gave us many invitations to partake of the Atonement.

He said: Come and Follow me

The Prince of peace told us: I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger

The redeemer said: Who touched my clothes?
And then he said: Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

The Counselor told us: whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.

He said: Follow me and I will make you fishers of men
The Mosiah asked us: Rise, take up thy Bed and walk

He said: Come and Follow me

He invited us all to: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name

These invitations from the Savior are invitations for us to have “Todo Bien”. God’s love for us is perfect. There is nothing we can do to earn His love. It is perfect. There is nothing we can do to make Him stop loving us. His love is perfect.

He wants us to have “Todo Bien”. He has given us His son. He has restored the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that we can receive the fulness of the Atonement. The Lord invites us to have todo bien by inviting us into his restored kingdom.

Bonus Dia.  Todo bien?  Estoy agradacido estar aqui con ustedes. Me gusta Mucha esta Rama.
Después que recibimos nuestro llamamiento misional y antes que veníamos aquí a la República Dominicana, intentamos duro estudiar español. Teníamos una tudor de la iglesia que nos ayudarnó. Estudiamos los libros y miramos los videos de instrucción. Cuando llegábamos aquí realizamos que los Dominicanos hablan español en una manera único.  Lo hace más difícil para otros pero es una de las partes encantador de la cultura aquí.

Una cosa que escucho una y otra vez es la frase “Todo Bien”. Puede ser una pregunta o puede ser una respuesta o solo una declaración. La primera vez que escuché esta frase “todo bien” yo pensé Wow “todo bien”, Todo es mucho. “Todo Bien es mucho de bien. No pueden tener algo más bien que todo. En realidad, alguien puede estar “todo bien”?

Hay una manera para estar “todo bien” en verdad. De hecho hay uno solo camino para estar “todo bien”.

Lehi el padre de Nefi tuvo una visión del árbol de vida. En su visión vio un árbol él dijo:

10 Y sucedió que vi un árbol cuyo fruto era deseable para hacer a uno feliz.
11 Y aconteció que me adelanté y comí de su fruto; y percibí que era de lo más dulce, superior a todo cuanto yo había probado antes. Sí, y vi que su fruto era blanco, y excedía a toda blancura que yo jamás hubiera visto.
12 Y al comer de su fruto, mi alma se llenó de un gozo inmenso; por lo que deseé que participara también de él mi familia, pues sabía que su fruto era preferible a todos los demás.

Nefi enseñó que el árbol del sueño de Lehi representa el amor de Dios. Elder Bednar del quórum de doce Apóstoles enseñó que la fruta de la árbol es simbólico de la bendiciones de la expiación. En otros palabras la fruta o el resultado de la amor de Dios es la Expiacion.

Hay muchas maneras que podemos recibir la fruta cuál es el amor de Dios o la expiación.

Durante la vida de Jesucristo, Él nos dio muchas invitaciones a recibir la Expiación.

Él dijo: ven, sígueme

EL Príncipe de la Paz nos dijo:  Yo soy el pan de vida; el que a mí viene nunca tendrá hambre

El Redentor dijo: ¿Quién ha tocado mis vestidos?

Entonces Él dijo: Hija, tu fe te ha sanado; ve en paz y queda sana de tu aflicción.

El Consolador dijo: el que bebiere del agua que yo le daré no tendrá sed jamás

El dijo: Venid en pos de mí, y os haré pescadores de hombres

El Mesías nos pidió:  Levántate, toma tu lecho y anda

Él Dijo: ven, sígueme

El nos invitó todos a: Arrepentíos, todos vosotros, extremos de la tierra, y venid a mí y sed bautizados en mi nombre

Estas invitaciones del Salvador son invitaciones para otros estar “Todo Bien”. El Amor de Dios es perfecto. No Hay nada que podemos hacer para ganar su amor. Su amor es perfecto. No Hay nada que podemos hacer para que deje de amar nos. Su amor es perfecto.

El Quiere que tengamos “Todo Bien”. Dios nos ha dado su Hijo. El ha restaurado la plenitud del Evangelio de Jesucristo para que podamos recibir la plenitud de la expiación. EL Señor nos invita tener “todo bien” por invitarnos en su reino restaurado.

Yo se que esta iglesia es la iglesia de Dios verdadero. AL fin tenemos la solo manera tener “todo bien”.  Digo estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo,  amen.

Car washers along a shady street. There were at least 20 spots with room for more. If anyone wants to start a business come on over.

Hermana Buhler went all day and didn't realize she was wearing two different shoes
This tree was covered with these thorns. Some were about 1 and 1/2 inches long. I didn't notice anyone climbing the tree
Our truck getting washed. $4 inside and out. The best deal on the island.
The Pope mobile. I think the Plexiglas was clear at one time.
A dog and her pup guarding the Pope mobile. Hermana Borup got a little scare.
ON our way home from church this Haitian Lady was kind enough to pose for a picture.
Just two goof offs
Standing in front of the contoversial remains of Christopher Columbus. Spain claims they have him. 
The Hurricanes seems to have washed the sand away at our swimming hole, La Caleta
La Caleta


  1. So happy to get your updates. So glad Hurricanes Irma and Maria didn't cause major problems for the DR and for you guys. Sigan adelante.


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