Avocado ride

It was another great week in the office. It feels like we are making fewer mistakes but then again we continue to get older so it might just be our memory is getting worse. Every day we go into the office with the determination to return home in the early evening. It almost never happens. We get home late and we're tired but feel like we have made a little difference so we are happy about our efforts. The best part of our day is always when we get to interact with the missionaries. They are truly amazing. Iv'e said before but it needs to be said again. This is not an easy place to be a missionary. They teach a lot, but the conditions are never easy. But whenever we see missionaries they always have a smile. They carry the good word happily.

The mission has increased our effort to help others come to Christ through the Book of Mormon. Everyone here (except the guy i mentioned last week) believes in Christ. The goal is to help people know Him better by learning about his teachings to another group of people on the other side of the earth. Those who believe in Christ also believe he is the Redeemer of the world and so it makes sence that he would visit and teach other people in other parts of the world. This week we received half of our most recent order of Books of Mormon.

My Birthday was this week. I asked Hermana Borup for Bachata lessons. There is a studio around the corner. So stay tuned to see how that goes. AS a warm-up to Bachata lessons we went to Azua to help support a Young Single Adult activity. It was a dance. They rented a local Disco tech. I thought now we're talking I was the king of disco back in the day. The music was very loud and very Latin, but the experience increased my desire to learn Bachata. The activity was a big success. Since the activity ended at 10 pm we stayed in a hotel and rode our bikes in the morning. We rode about 17 miles up into the hills north of Azua to a town called Peralta. It was an introduction to another world. By the looks we were getting they do not get a lot of cyclists coming through town. The scenery was beautiful and the people were even more beautiful. Just as we approached the town there were places where avocados were just lying on the road from the trees that hung over the road. We each put one in our pocket and will have a great treat this week.

Hermana Borup and I pray everyday for the opportunity to share the gospel with someone. Everyday we get the chance. Sometimes those prayers seem to feel a little more sincere. I guess that is us being human. ON those days when the prayer is more memorable it seems like we are blessed in a more memorable way. This week after praying in the morning and then going into the office, we had some men from the hardware store deliver some washing machines. AS we were talking one of the men asked how he could have the missionaries come to his house and teach him. We took down his name, number and address and gave him our Book of Mormon pamphlet and shared with him an introduction of the Book of Mormon. It felt like a direct answer to our prayer. We want Heavenly Father to know that we will always open our mouths to share the Gospel when we are given the chance. This time it was someone else opening their mouth.

We hope everyone is doing great at home. we miss you all. We love the work.
Your Friends.
Hermana y Elder Borup

1st of three trucks full of Books of Mormon. Elders Bateman and Cure.
2nd of three trucks of Books of Mormon
3rd of three trucks of Books of Mormon. We are flooding the Dominican Republic with Books of Mormon
race in the parking lot in Azua
An Azua Bike shop
Selfie before a Baptism
Elder Bateman cowering in the corner at the Young Single Adult Activity. 
The young single adults from 2 districts, Azua and Barahona
Contacting the Guagua (bus) driver during the YSA activity. Hermana Borup would rather speak Spanish than listen to very loud bachata music.
ON our bike ride into the hills outside of Azua we found a fellow cyclist with a modification to his bike.
ON our bike ride outside of Azua there were several places where avocados were laying in the street. We decided to put a couple in our pockets.
One of the beaches near Azua
Avocado season
We met this boy on the first day we were in The Dominican Republican. We paid him to get us a Mango in a tree. On my Birthday he shined my shoes.
When we first saw these guys they were driving about 50 MPH
They slowed down so we could take their picture.
The bugs are big in Azua
Old person Selfie after the Buhlers took us to lunch for my birthday.


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