Lots of Visits

With Hermana Borup back in the country, everything is a little more normal. Our week was filled with visiting with the local missionaries. Some because they have areas that are hard for them to get to and part because they wanted us to meet investigators and less active members and help them follow up. One of those areas was Villa de Corazon de Jesus. We held a meeting there last week and now the Hermanas are following up. Hermana drove them out to the area and helped the hermanas teach.

For the past several weeks there has been 3 Hermanas serving in one of the Branches. This week a new sister came from Mexico. She was there waiting for her visa to come current. She speaks Spanish because she is from Mexico but she has a hard time with Dominican. Her companion is from Panama and will be going home in 3 weeks. She said the new Hermana was having a hard time understanding many of their investigators.

we held another district meeting here for another district in our zone. Some fo the missionaries came from an hour and a half away. There is always a great spirit in our home when missionaries are here. It really fun to see them helping and training each other in these meetings. It was very impressive to both of us.

We got a surprise visit this week from the Mission President and his wife. They had some interviews to do in Azua and planned on staying in a hotel before going further South for more interviews. They couldn't find a hotel so we got a call about 10:30 when had just got into bed. They made there way here and we had a great visit in the morning before they left. They said they slept well and were grateful they had the earplugs I gave them. The chickens were extra loud.

We drove down to Barahona for a Baptismal service. We had heard that one of the Hermanas in Barahona was struggling and we felt we could maybe visit with her and cheer her up. The Baptism was great as always but this time President Santos performed one of the Baptisms. When the sister was asked who she wanted to have Baptize her she said "how about that guy that interviewed me? He has the most priesthood, doesn't he? We also spent some time with the Hermana that was struggling. Missions are hard, This mission is extra hard and it's really hard when you have a companion that doesn't want to follow the rules. We scheduled a time to go to lunch with her during this next week.

The language is still a struggle but we continue to put in effort to learn it so we can share and invite all we meet. It's hard sometimes but we know aour family is being blessed while we are away. We have a new Grandchild and we found out that Weston was awarded a pilots slot in the Air Force. These are great blessing. IF this keep going we may not come home.


Your friends
Hermana y Elder Borup

Hermanas with a member in The Heart of Jesus Village
Faces of the DR by Hermana Borup
More faces of DR
Faces and more faces
The bus is full so the stuff goes out, anywhere
This what happens when you don't take care of your ingrown toenail.
Mission experience sometimes includes a little wound care
If I ever get to the point of not being able to ride a two-wheeler I'm getting one of these.
Baptisms are always so special.
Oh yea another face
I think this is the original, look at the fading 
Don't forget this face
McCoy and his mom. Blessings of a mission.
Weston and his mom, We got news that West got a Pilot slot in the Airforce.
Getting down and dirty.


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