She's Home!

She's home that is if you mean "home is where your heart is". This had been a long couple weeks. I have been trying to keep myself busy but it was still long. On the bright side there is always missionary work to do and since missionary work is fun it has been a fun week. There is nothing more fun than looking someone in the eyes and let them know that there is a loving Heavenly Father who a plan so that they can return to live with him. 

Without taking tons of time I will mention a few of the highlights from the week.

1) I did some contacting with some Elders we visited 4 houses we taught 3 Restoration discussions.
2) One of those discussions was on the street in front of a little store where they sell lottery tickets. The woman that works there is very interested and we taught her more about the Book of Mormon when we returned later in the week
3) IN the same area we taught a less active sister that hasn't been to Church in 10 years. "It's just easier to go to church next door. While we were teaching in the street infront of her house there were some young men betting a yelling as their cocks were fighting. I challenged her to read the Book of Mormon every day for the next week. She said she would. 
4) We had an outdoor meeting in Villa Corazon de Jesus. Some members passed out over 40 invitations. some members came and 3 interested non-members. One of those non-members was sitting near the spot where we were going to have our meeting. When we showed up I asked him if was ready to get to work. He helped us set up the chairs. He didn't plan on attending but since he helped he stayed. He ended up being very interested. He will be a great member.
4) When I was out in the evening we went to see a woman investigator the Elder had not seen for a few weeks. He got to the house and a man came out. We asked if the investigator was there. The man had no idea who she was. He said he has lived there for several months but he invited us in. It turns out that he was almost baptized a couple fo years ago but got very sick 2 weeks before his baptism. He ended up in the hospital fro a long time and then moved to Santo Domingo right after his illness. The Elders taught him and his wife. He accepted a new Baptism date. Coincidence? 
5) I had to give a talk in church so I asked my neighbor to correct the Spanish. She enjoyed telling me how bad my spanish is but when I looked at her corrections I was pleased. The best part is that she an active member of her Church ( Evangelic). I'll bet she loved correcting the parts about the fullness of the gospel being restored. We are going to work on her. My goal so to see her get Baptized before we leave. She needs the Church and the Branch could use her. 

Of course, the highlight of the week was McCoy. McKenzie had a very healthy little boy and Hermana Borup was able to be there. We have been on our mission for 9 months and we have 3 new grandchildren. We started with 1 and now we have 4. Blessing of a mission? We love it here. But I love it more now that Hermana Borup is HOME.

Your friends
Hermana y Elder Borup

Found this beach on my bike ride this week
They are building these solar panels outside of Azua
Just a look inside our Azua hardware store.
This is where it all starts on the dirt field in the DR
Sitting under a tree getting ready to teach a less active that hasn't come to church in ten years. When is it ok to call them inactive?
While teaching there was a little disturbance on the street (we were teaching in the same street) , cock fight.  The lady we were teaching didn't even blink an eye.
A little more DR baseball, this time with a stick and a ball made up from some sawn up cloth. 
It's hard to see but they are playing a volley game using a plastic oil bottle as a paddle and a small milk carton as a ball
Our landlord was worried about me eating while Lynette was away. this is what is referred to as "la Bandera" (the flag). It's everyone's favorite. Beans, meat and rice.
more beach from my ride
Doing some contacting with these great missionaries, one from Honduras one from Guatemala.
Brito one of my favorite people in this country. Mostly because he speaks slow enough for me to understand and when I don't he says the same thing another way until I understand.
The washing machine didn't fit in the back so put it inside. Why not?
Hermanas teaching infront of a house. It seems like that is where most of the teaching happens.
Sand crab
Another beach I biked to on p-day
Same beach different view


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