Transfers and a Baptism

Continue teaching and inviting. 

It's late but I want to say a few things before I go to bed. Sorry, this will be short. This week was transfers again. They seem like they come around very fast. There were 3 missionaries from our Zone in Azua that went home. We have worked closely with all of them and they are really great missionaries. We already miss them. We drove the 2 sisters to the Capital so they didn't have to take the bus. We did a little side trip to show them some of the beautiful sights that they really don't get a chance to see as missionaries. We got to hear their final testimonies on their last night before going home. We love to hear these final testimonies.

Transfers are always a bit of controlled chaos. Elder Buhler and I went to the airport to pick up an Hermana and an Elder. The traffic was bad so we were late. We couldn't find them anywhere. After about an hour of looking, we found them sitting at a table and we had walked by them several times. We were looking for a white shirt and we were looking for 1 Elder and an Hermana. When we found them, there were 2 Elders both were wearing a suit coat. No one knew that the second Elder would be there. It's always something. Everything worked out fine. 

After coming back to Azua on Thursday I got a call from President Santos. He asked if I could give an Elder and his companion a ride to the Capital. One of the new Elders had an interview with the President and it was decided he needed to go home. A gave them a ride 1.5+ hours one way and the Elder serving here received another missionary from another area. It's always hard to see a missionary go home before his time. I hope things work out and he can return. 

We had a great Branch activity. Simple, dance and eat. For dance, Bachata, the national dance and for food hame and cheese sandwich a cookie and some pineapple. And everyone seemed to have fun. We are going to try to have something at least once a month. 

We continue to teach, visit and invite. We went through the people we have been visiting and inviting and have a list of 16 families. This is going to keep us busy. 

With all the craziness of a transfer week by far the highlight was the Baptismal service of a 16-year-old. girl. She was contacted by the missionaries about 3 months ago and she asked them to know more. They found our where she lived but lost it, so they could never visit. A few weeks later she saw the Elders on the street and chewed them out for not coming to visit her. She has felt a need to have God in her life. She was ready and received the Gospel with a full heart. The Elders set her Baptismal date for the Saturday after transfers, thinking at least one would still be here. As it turns out. they were both transferred. Since Hermana Borup and I have made friends with her through our English class( her English is self-taught and amazing) she asked me to perform the Baptism. 

I got to perform the ordinance in Spanish which may sound hard (it did to me). But the names are the hardest part for me. The Baptism words are all words I know. Names are always unique. This was no exception. I wrote her name down and put it on the edge of the font, just in case. (I didn't need to look)  It was a privilege to perform this sacred ordinance for this very speacial girl. We were both nervous and both filled with joy. 

We are comong home this week for Madison's wedding. we hope to see many of you while we are home for a brief time.

Your friends
Hermana Y Elder Borup

Saying good-bye. Two are going home, all three were companions in Azua. We will miss them.
He worked in the office for over 7 months at a very hard time of the transition between Mission presidents. He will receive a great reward.
The last night with 3 missionaries that left Azua and are going home.
With Transfers happening the Elders that taught her left and I was the next best choice to perform the baptism.
She is going to be a great member. 
Proof that Hermana Borup was really there.
Other missionaries take pictures like this so can we.
I hope Madison likes it. It's almost done.
This is our Branch Bahacta Dance. It was very fun but we realized how bad we are.
Just some baby goat hanging around town
We found our grandson's (Sawyer) twin.


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