I know Mia Love (sort of)

When we first came here I really did not like the idea of doing house inspections for missionaries. After all they are grown up and if they don't want to live in a clean house so be it. I have to admit that I love doing them now and I think they even have a missionary purpose. I never really liked the approach that "you can't feel the spirit if you live in a dirty house". I'm not convinced that is true. What I am convinced of is that if one missionary likes it clean and the other one doesn't care, it can cause ill feelings. It is hard to feel the Spirit when you are mad at your companion. By doing the inspections, we may be helping ease some of the tension in the house, which in turn results in an increase of the Spirit. (Hermana Borup probably does not agree with this and that may cause some tension in this companionship) All that being said we just like to see the missionaries and encourage them and let them know we think they are great. That is what is f...