Constanza, Bike would have been better.

Since we have lived here in Azua I have had my eye on a trip to Constanza, a small town north of Padre Las Casas. My first idea was to ride our bikes, it's about 117kms (about 73 miles). I knew some of it would be dirt road but our bikes can handle that. However about 1 month ago we find out that it might not be safe for 2 white people on bikes. But we figured out how we can justify the road trip. Since we're missionaries we needed a missionary purpose. Fellowshipping! We invited Ramon and Ernestina, 2 Recent converts, so we could spend a little time with them.  We were mostly right. We spent a little time with them and a lot more. Google maps said it would take about 2 and a half to get to Constanza from Padre Las Casas. It took five and a half hours.

The road was amazing. The trip was amazing. It felt very isolated yet there were small villages and little farm houses the whole way. It was a great experience seeing how different life is in this part of the DR. We decided that the only way you could make that drive in 2 and a half hours would be on horseback or motorcycle or for sure by BIKE. The road was rough and steep, wet, were very grateful we had 4-wheel drive. Hermana Borup said there was no way she was going to go back on that same road. So after lunch in Constanza, we decided to out another way that took us through a national park. The Park had a great waterfall and some amazing views. In the center of the park was a valley called La Nevera. (which means refrigerator). The average daily temperature here in Azua has been around 95 degrees. In La Nevera it was 57 degrees. We have been cold here in the DR but only when we have the air conditioner up too high. La Nevera was almost cold. It was a little weird feeling cold.

The way home was not any better after driving for about 3 hours we asked someone how far it was to Ocoa (a town about 1 hour from Azua). He told us it was at least 2 hours. One of the most interesting things we saw on this very rugged road where we NEEDED 4-wheel drive. We saw a very ordinary Toyota sedan. They were going the opposite direction than us so I kept thinking we were almost to a good road. We traveled about 2 hours more of 4-WHEEL DRIVE road before we got near Ocoa. The whole time I kept thinking how did that Toyota sedan get there? It's still a mystery. The whole time Hermana Borup kept thinking "I'm never going to let Elder Borup talk me into driving a few hours of  an unknown road again."   The result? A great day of fellowshipping.

AS epic as the road trip was, really the best par was spending some time with Ramon and Ernestina. They have a way of making us feel young. It was a little awkward when we got to the base of the waterfall and Ramon just stripped down to his underwear and went for a swim. What did I do? I joined him of course. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Right?

We alo had a week full fo missionary work. We took a very long day and did house inspections in the Barahona Zone. During the inspections, we met with the Branch President from a Small Branch in Neyba. He's a great man but is having a hard time getting support from his Branch. It's like a one-man show at times. We talked to him about trying to change the emphases from programs to serving and missionary work. We gave him some ideas and are going to get back with hi next week. We also had ZOne conference which included half of the zone in the mission. It was fun to see so many missionaries we have learned to love. Oh yea, inspections went great. Everyone did great. I think the few that didn't do great last time around felt a little embarrassed and they repented.

One of the highlights this week was meeting with Cesar. He's a new member that has been having a hard time feeling part of the branch. A common problem everywhere that we all need to improve on. We had decided to share a video about the prodigal son and give a message on repentance. AS we finished our lesson he went into the house and got his bible. The night before he was reading in his bible and felt impressed to mark a scripture about forgiveness. AS he saw the video it reminded him of the scripture and how much Heavenly father loves him. He felt like our lesson was inspired and just what he needed at the time. It's fun to feel like you are the answer to someone's prayers.

The lowlight of the week was finding out that one of the Elders in our Branch was sent home early. I was called in the middle of the week to take him and his companion to the bus stop. Another Elder (Elder Merreno) was coming her from Barahona and his companion was going into the capitol with our Elder. It was sad to hear later that day that he went home. We knew he was struggling with some things and tried to help. Since then I have talked to him through messenger and I think he is going to be ok. He's going to try to go back out on a mission. We miss him and hope he does well.

I got a chance to speak in church this week and of course, I took to long. I spoke about how we all need to improve our efforts to help newcomers feel welcomed. I used the text from the Bible. that says "I was a stranger and ye took me in". It's hard to invite others to be part of our lives but that is what the Savior did. When he was asked by 2 disciples where he lived, He answered: "come and see". I am going to be better. People don't like to be strangers and they won't stay strangers for long. They will either leave the group or they will become part of the group.

We love the work. We feel like there is so much to do. We love trying to do our little part if the Lord's kingdom.

Sorry, for another late one.
Your friends
Hermana Y Elder Borup

These two little girls that got baptized this week are going to be great. One lives real close to the church and her mother has been inactive. She started going on her own and has a wonderful light
You know the canal where the Haitians bath? This guy caught this fish with his hands. 
This man is the nicest man. He is Haitain and is the leader of the group we go and teach. I had no idea my tie was like that. What was my companion thinking? (No, it is not out of focus on his ears. That is hair!)
Isidoro made it to the end of block this week.
Zone conference selfie
Azua Zone Sept 2018
The top of Salto de Aguas Blancas (I don't know why it's Blancas and not blanco. El agua is masculine. This is why Spanish is hard to learn)
The old and the young,  us with Ramon and Ernestina and  Salto de Aguas Blancas
How do you like that hat? It's from the Olympics, Atlanta
Salto de Aguas Blancas
On the road to Constanza
Potty break on the road to Conztanza (literally)
The best thing about this country. Chicharron
Before picture ofChicharron
One of the beaches on the way back to Barahona from Enriquillo
In la Nevera, a cold valley in the national partk near Constanza
A hillside of cabbage near Constanza
One of the farms near Constanza
A river in the national park


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